# Introduction [**libinsitu**](http://libinsitu.org) is a library to transform in situ data time series) into a standard *NetCDF* format. It was primilary developed for solar in situ data, but is also adapted to other usages. The aim is to improve **standardization** and **interoperability**, to leverage development of new tools. It provides : * A set of [CLI utilities](cli/index) and [Python functions](api/index) to : * Transform **raw input files** into **NetCDF** format * **Explore & query** NetCDF files, and transform it to various formats (*CSV*, *JSON*, *text*, *pandas Dataframes*) * Flag data with **quality checks** and produce graphs for **visual quality control** * A set of {gitref}`formatted and enriched metadata` for several networks and their stations. * A [proposed convention](conventions.md) for in-situ data, on top of CF conventions. In addition, we process input data for many networks of solar data and [make them available](data) through a [Thredds data server](http://tds.webservice-energy.org/thredds/catalog.html) and a [web interface](http://viewer.webservice-energy.org/in-situ/). For more details, see the [data](data) section. ```{image} _static/img/web-interface.png --- target: http://viewer.webservice-energy.org/in-situ/ alt: Preview of web interface --- ``` ## Installation libinsitu is available via *pip* : ```bash pip install libinsitu ``` ## Main website *libinsitu* has its dedicated website : [libinsitu.org](libinsitu.org) ## Authors *libinsitu* is developped and maintained by Raphaƫl Jolivet and Yves Marie Saint-Drenan, from the research center [O.I.E of Mines-Paristech](https://www.oie.minesparis.psl.eu/Accueil/) ## Contact and discussion Please subscribe to the mailing list :
[solar-insitu@groupes.mines-paristech.fr](https://groupes.minesparis.psl.eu/wws/subscribe/solar-insitu) ## Licence *libinsitu* is distributed under the {gitref}`BSD 2-Clause License ` ## Source code The source code is available of our {gitref}`gitlab ` ## Summary ```{toctree} --- maxdepth: 2 --- Introduction example-notebook api/index cli/index data conventions qc ```